Daniel Mačura

Capturing the world through camera and code

Portrait of Daniel Mačura


I study computer science at Brno University of Technology, a prestigious institution in the heart of Europe. I have a strong passion for learning new skills and implementing them to solve real-world problems.

Aerial shot of Brno University of Technology IT faculty

My expertise

Since a young age, I was intrigued by all things technical and I accumulated a broad range of skills that I'm eager to apply in a professional setting, here are some of them.

  • Programming
  • 3D printing
  • Photography
  • CAD modeling
  • Photo editing
  • Photogrammetry
  • General 3D modeling and animation


Where can you find my photos?

I enjoy capturing the world how I see it and sharing it with all of you.


Where can you find my models?

I have experience creating photoscans with Reality Capture using a combination of image acquisition techniques involving DSLRs and drones. This allows me to capture objects of varying sizes from an apple to a building or even create orthographic projections and export digital elevation models.

Get in touch

Let's create something together, feel free to reach out to me.